Enter the amount of Annual salary you want to live comfortably.
How many hours do you want to work on working days?
How many days do you work every week?
How many annual public holidays do you want to include? (apart from weekends)
You must charge hourly rate of
{{ hourlyRate }}/hr
to make annual salary of {{ formatCurrency(salary) }}
while working {{ hoursDaily }} hourse per day, {{ daysInWeek }} days a week.
Hourly{{ hourlyRate }}per hour
Weekly{{ formatCurrency(salary/52) }}per week
Monthly{{ formatCurrency(salary/12) }}per month
Annually{{ formatCurrency(salary) }}per year

Hourly Rate calculator

Calculate hourly rate to charge based expected annual salary and working time. Determining hourly freelance rate or convert annual salary into hourly wage.

How Does Hourly Rate calculator Work?

Using our Hourly Rate Calculator, you can find out the hourly rate you must charge based on your expected annual salary and working time (including holidays). This tool is suitable for determining your hourly freelance rate or converting your annual salary into hourly wage.

As a freelancer, determining your hourly rate can decide what you will make in a year. It is better to plan ahead and use this calculator to determine the right amount of hourly rate that can get you a good annual salary.

For a good annual salary, you may want to account for your expenses, medical cover, as well as savings.

Here is the breakdown of different components and the formula used to calculate the Hourly Rate and wages:

Desired Annual Salary = The amount of Annual salary you want to live comfortably.
Work Hours Per Day = The amount of hours you want to work on working days.
Working Days in a Week = The number of days you work every week.
Holidays Per Year = The number of annual public working holidays given in your country (apart from weekends).

Calculate Hourly Rate from Annual Salary

Hourly Rate is calculated for a given annual salary based on the total working hours in a year. The total working hours is determined by total working days (exclude holidays and weekends) and work hours per day.

Working Weeks = (365 - Holidays Per Year) / 7
Total Work Hours = Working Weeks * Working Days in a Week * Work Hours Per Day


Hourly Rate = Desired Annual Salary / Total Work Hours

There are other ways to calculate Hourly rate, however this method is the most appropriate as it takes into account, annual paid/public holidays too.

How to Use Hourly Rate calculator?

  • You can calculate hourly rate based on your desired annual salary, work hours per day, working days in a week and holidays per year.
  • Your Hourly rate based on the provided values will be calculated in real time.
  • In accordance to the hourly rate, we will also display wages calculated for hourly, weekly, monthly and annualy.
  • No currency is used so that you can assume the currency that you want to calculate your hourly wage in.
  • Kindly refer to the formula presented in the next section for the calculations done.
  • We do not store any of the values provided by you and everything is done inside your browser.