Getting Started with Digital Tools Blog

mdigi blog

Internet and computers have changed the landscape of how we do work today. We have replaced many of daily tasks with automated tools and are increasingly reliant on digital tools that can get work done quicker. Whether it is taking notes, making a list or performing calculations, digital tools are here to help us get desired results quicker.


We launched our site with the aim to offer online tools that work seamlessly in your browser and do not require any installation. This makes these tools easily accessibly from any computer or mobile phone.

Our hope is to cater to users who generally require to perform small computational tasks without installing additional software. In short span of time, we have added many online tools related to design, development, marketing, finance, writing, image, social media and more.

The Blog

We hope to keep adding more tools on our site, thus the need to keep you up to date with latest tools and section added to the site. This is why we have created this blog. We will try to highlight the major changes and updates done. We will also try to list best tools and services available on the web that can help you in your digital tasks.

You will already find many such tools covered on our blog for developers and makers. On this site, we will cover tools that are helpful for everyone and not just developers or makers.

Our Popular Tools

While you wait for new content, here are our 5 most popular tools:

  1. Color Palette Extractor
  2. Color Shades Generator
  3. Gradient Background Generator
  4. Color Converter
  5. Pastel Color Generator

About Us

We are a Software Engineer couple with a mantra to stay lean, diversify and keep evolving. Do send us your feedback on how you want this site to improve. You can learn more about our team.

Mdigi Team

Mdigi Team provides web based digital tools that perform micro computations inside your browser.